After-School Programs

We aim to create an after-school atmosphere that is meaningfully different from the school day, with less formal structure and more open time to connect, work, and create. All after-school options are offered on a drop-in basis; no daily or yearly sign-up is needed.

  • Clubs: Each school day, one or more different Clubs are offered by either faculty or parent volunteers from 3:45pm until 4:30pm. Examples include Robotics Club, Yearbook Club, Model UN Club, Improv Club, and Math Competition Club. Note that some clubs have limited space.

  • The Hub: At 3:45PM, our Hub multi-purpose room turns into the Millennium Café, which is both a study and meeting place for students, and a student-operated businesses selling refreshments. Like a good café, the aim is to create a comfortable environment for quiet conversation, meetings, or independent reading or study. Students can also work on artistic projects or tinkering and building, using either their own materials or the maker materials at the school, with a teacher present to support, supervise and facilitate.


After school care is $12 per hour, billed in 15-minute increments.

Our After-School Coordinator will check students in and out of after-school programming each afternoon. Based on those records, families will receive rolling bills via SmartTuition for after-school services used. This means that if your child is here for 25 minutes, for example, you would be billed for two 15-minute increments, as we’d round up to 30 minutes.

Families on 80%+ flexible tuition may participate in after-school programming free of charge.

Special Note on Technology:

Our technology policies from the school day will continue after-school, in an effort to create a connected, present atmosphere. After school care is not to be a time when a group of students sit together to stare at their phones. As such, students' phones will stay deposited as they are during the school day, to be retrieved when students leave the building. Students will still have access to their usual school laptops for school-related work, and can communicate with families via the school phone.