Community-Driven Decision Making
To create a sense of shared ownership and responsibility, parents and students are empowered to actively participate in decision-making processes. This engagement fosters a responsive, inclusive, and effective learning environment that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our students. This structure provides students with practical experience in governance and advocacy.
Parent Council
Each year, four parents from each grade level volunteer to serve on the school's Parent Council. This group provides ongoing feedback and support to the Head of School and acts as representatives of the parent body. The council members change annually and are selected from volunteers who express interest.

Student Leadership
An active Student Government plays a pivotal role in representing and advocating for student interests. This group was established through an innovative Humanities Quest, where students collectively designed their own constitution. The document guides their operations, ensuring democratic processes and equitable representation.
This structure provides students with practical experience in governance and advocacy.
Student Government members have the opportunity to:
- Engage in meaningful leadership roles
- Organize school events
- Address student concerns
- Collaborate with school leadership